MN Lic. # BC515058
Custom Enterprises


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Custom Enterprises, Inc. is a BBB Accredited Business. Click for the BBB Business Review of this Contractors - General in Zimmerman MN


New and replacement windows and doors made for Minnesota weather.

Windows and doors in Minnesota have to withstand extreme temperature change each year. Drafty windows and doors are known to be responsible for as much as 80% of a home's heat loss during the frigid winter months. Although today's windows are engineered to perform much better, a window or door is only as good as the installation allows it to be. All of our installers are trained in advanced techniques to assure a weatherproof and functional installation, and just like any of the other services we offer, you'll always get the best at a price you can afford. We will bring the samples directly to you, at a time that works for you, and show you all the different options we have available. We also provide window, door and trim pre-finishing so we can deliver your new product completely stained or painted. Call us today to set up your free estimate and consultation.

Window replacement can be divided into two basic methods: Insert replacement or Full Frame replacement. Insert replacement utilizes your existing window frames and inside/outside trim. A new window in a new mini-frame is then set into your existing frame to give you a new window at a great price. Inserts can be ordered in wood with a colored aluminum clad exterior, vinyl with a wood grain interior, colored vinyl inside and out, or just plain white vinyl. Here are a couple examples showing insert replacement windows:

Full frame replacement is when we fully remove the window or door opening right down to the studs and start completely new. This is definitely the best method for our Minnesota climate, since we remove the existing window frame and window insulation. We then replace the old window insulation with spray foam. Spray foam is airtight and provides an excellent weather barrier for our climate. Full frame replacement also includes the replacement of the interior and exterior trim. Here are a couple examples of full frame window replacement:

We do not push a specific line of windows or doors, instead we have access to all windows and doors produced today and will show you the differences between them. Regardless of the method of replacement you choose, it is most important that the window is set in place and finished properly to keep the elements out. Call us today at 612-735-2722 to schedule your free estimate!

We specialize in creating new openings, adding egress windows and completely transforming windows.